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Fuck Off and Die

Aaaargh! Me and my guys
Trying to keep it high
We'll play all night for you
I'm banging my head till I'm dead
As long as you move
We're on the fast way
Delivering the best that I can
Can you see what I'm doing
Running from day to day
Just to let it go
C'mon move your assholes!
Stand up! Right now! Kill off!
Well I've got the command
Did you understand
Attacking is the only way to win
Awaiting the warday and
The inflammation
You're the first who will be burning
If you see the storm
No time to go down
That's way I'm screaming
No pleasure the pain comes down here
No return don't look back
There's no tomorrow
And if you're a fucker
And don't believe it
Fuck off and die!
Yeah! I've got the control
With my heart of stone
I feel the hades in the air
The vibration in my bones
And the noise keeps the thrill
The adventure has just begun
No religion in this place
You're waiting for that moment
Forget it and don't lose your time
Don't want to become like that
There's many times to raise hell
There's many ways to live your life
Together we staying for yell
Don't break your fever
So if you need religion
Or a God to believe
So if you're a straight
Guy in the high society
If you are a looser or just
A fuckin' wimp...
Fuck off and die!
Nombre de performances en concert


Performance la plus récente

31 juil. 1987

Place Nikitoutagan
Saguenay, Québec

Performances en concert

31 juil. 1987 Place Nikitoutagan
Saguenay, Québec (Canada)

20 nov. 1986 Alabamahalle
Munich (Germany)

15 nov. 1986 Scum
Katwijk aan Zee (Netherlands)

13 nov. 1986 Zeche
Bochum (Germany)

12 oct. 1986 Le Spectrum
Montreal, Québec (Canada)

11 oct. 1986 Le Spectrum
Montreal, Québec (Canada)

13 juin 1986 Fender's Ballroom
Long Beach, California (United States of America)

5 avril 1986 The Ritz
New York, New York (United States of America)

30 nov. 1985 Le Paladium
Montreal, Québec (Canada)

22 nov. 1985 Polyvalente Fernand Lefebvre
Sorel, Québec (Canada)
